By Chris Fullagar on Friday, January 13, 2012 at 6:23pm
Prophetic word & vision, by Neville Johnson (Prophet from Australia). Edited version (main points) taken from Jan 2012 ministry email ....
On the 12th of December I saw in a very clear vision the construction of a large retaining wall. It was made of concrete and reinforced steel. It was dug in very deep, but when I looked closer, it was built on sand and to make it worse, the sand was quicksand. Then I heard the Lord say, “The European efforts to prop up the declining Euro Currency will not hold. I will allow this to happen in order to open the way for a new world monetary system commencing in Europe, however Germany, the USA, Canada, the UK will resist these reforms” I was aware that there would be other nations that would resist these reforms but these nations were not indentified. The Lord went on to say, “I am separating the Goat and Sheep Nations” ‘And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.’ Matthew 25:31-40
Replacement Theology is one of the most serious deceptions of this age. The bible makes it very clear that the church and Israel will be grafted into one vine (Romans chapter 11). The bible also makes it clear that Israel and the church will be restored together (Joel 2:22). The fig tree, Israel, and the vine, the church, will be restored together in these last days. As Christians we need to align ourselves with God’s plan and purposes for Israel. However, it is also of great importance that the government of the Nation in which you live is also aligned with and is a friend to Israel. The sorting out of the Sheep and the Goat Nations has begun. Jesus made it very clear that those who bless and support His brethren the Jews will qualify as a Sheep Nation.
The Goodness and Severity of the Lord will start to be played out this year. This will involve the church, the nations and you as an individual. We are now in the birth pangs of the formation of a new world wide monetary system which eventually will make way for the rise of the antichrist. The Sheep Nations will resist this system.
Much of the population of Israel is very godless. Immorality and other grievous sins are rife in Israel. Most of this generation of Israelis are godless and sinful. There is a pride over the ability of their armed forces that will put them in great jeopardy. Many Israelis are atheists. This is not to say that there are no God-fearing Israelis but they are not in the majority. God is about to change this. God is about to place the Nation of Israel in the most difficult, the most hazardous situation that they have ever known. God left Hezekiah to see what was in his heart (2 Chronicles 32:31)
God is about to do the same with Israel. He will put them in a position where their only chance of survival is God and Jesus the Messiah. The Christ of God will be their only hope. The severity of the Lord is about to be released in Israel. Pray for Israel. They are going to need your prayers. Pray that they will humble themselves and turn back to the Lord. God’s dealings with Israel are also a picture how God will deal with the church.
I heard the Lord speak these words and as He did I saw an earthquake which caused a dam to burst. The water that flowed from the breached dam was in the form of two separate streams. To some nations and individuals it became a flow of the Goodness of God; the other stream became a flow of the severity and the judgments of God. Chaos will increase in many nations, lawlessness will reach new heights. However, the other side of the coin is that the goodness and blessing of the Lord will flow like never before.
Thursday the 8th of December 2011 was just another day. At 5 a.m … I made a cup of tea, sat down and suddenly I was in another realm. I was standing on the Sea of Glass in heaven, and to my surprise it was very quiet. Usually there is a lot of activity on the Sea of Glass. I walked up to one of the redeemed there and asked him why there was such low activity. This man said, “The Lord is making a very important announcement today in another place”. I said to this man, “I must go there”. With that he took hold of my arm and when he did, I was in another place.
I was in a huge auditorium; it was so large I could not see the end of it. The Lord was speaking and was talking about change that was coming, starting 2012. He said things are about to happen that have never happened before. Then He said this: “The Father will stand and will not be seated until all is accomplished”. He then quoted... “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” Revelation 11:15
Then the Lord went on to say “righteousness exalts a nation, fire must come to the USA”. As he said this suddenly fire came up through the floor in many parts of this great auditorium and curved over, falling into the earth. At this point I could see the earth and this fire falling into many nations including Israel. Then He said; “Babylon is beginning to fall, come out of her my people”. The Lord said this with such force it shook the building. Then he said “Change Change Change”. As He said this I understood that there would be three changes that were to occur affecting the world and the church, but I was not given to understand what they were.
He then went on to say: “The spirit of Elijah is now in the earth, when Elijah was in the earth there were earthquakes, winds roaring, devastation, spiritual confrontations, but I will turn the hearts of the children back to their Heavenly Father.” The Lord then began to preach but I could not understand what He was saying and suddenly I was back in my lounge room.
I have meditated on this at length, especially the part where the Father will stand and won’t be seated until it is finished. I was given to understand that this was referenced in Isaiah chapter thirty three. Now will I rise, saith the LORD; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself. Isaiah 33:10. I continued to muse on this when the Lord spoke to me saying “read The Final Quest again”.
The Goodness and Severity of the Lord has begun to be released in a way that it never has before. God’s judgements are right, and are always motivated by pure love. "With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." (Isaiah 26:9)
This shift that occurred at the end of 2011 will be accompanied by more earthquakes and volcanoes. There are shifts in the cosmos that will affect this earth in many ways, starting this year. Jesus said... “when you see these things look up for your redemption draweth nigh” Luke 21:28.
THE WAR OF WORDSIn another encounter I was made aware of a coming War of Words. This war was in the form of a Civil War that arose between Christians. This war was relatively short lived and very intense, its primary weapon was slander. The accuser of the brethren was coming forth in an intense onslaught.
The issues were over the realm of the Spirit, and the ability of Christians to walk in this realm. Those who had encounters with the Lord, visits to heaven and visions, etc., were considered deceived and practicing occult practices. This war of words and slander reached new levels as one group began to accuse the other of many things which were completely untrue. Some Pentecostal denominations wrote many articles denouncing individual Pastors and Christian leaders. God allowed this division to take its course and eventually run out of steam as it were.
The use of Twitter and Facebook became prime weapons in this war. I heard the Lord say “I will disrupt their communications”. I saw power outages across wide areas of the world. I also saw that satellites were greatly affected, some burning up as they fell out of orbit. The internet and cell phones will be down for considerable periods of time as God intervenes in this war of words. Those with their brother’s blood on their hands will be judged unless they repent.
It is important to remember that we do not fight evil with evil. We must not take sides and respond in a wrong spirit. Those who try to defend themselves God will not defend. God is not taking sides; He is taking over. We are told to love those who slander us; to sincerely bless them and pray for them and let God take over this war. We do not respond to evil and untrue words with the same spirit; we respond with words that bless. "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"(Matthew 5:44-45)
TRUE AND FALSE JOSEPHSThe Lord also spoke to me about the rise of false Josephs. Much has been preached and written about the Joseph ministries. The problem is much of the teaching on this subject is self centred. True Josephs have a heart to see Jesus receive His inheritance, not our inheritance. Our inheritance is the Lord, not things. Only those completely surrendered to His will can function as a Joseph. It is the Bond-Servant relationship that is central to this ministry. It is not about what God wants to give us; it is about us giving to Him our lives in absolute surrender.
The line between building His Kingdom and our kingdom so often becomes blurred. Everything Joseph did was for Pharaoh the king, and likewise the same applies to us and the Kingdom of God. The Godly and famous preacher Andrew Murray was once asked, “What is the greatest need for Christians today?” He replied, “Absolute Surrender”. We cannot have all that God has for us until He has all of us. Joseph ministry is not about making you wealthy, it’s about making sure that Jesus receives His inheritance in this earth.
TO KNOW THE LORD MUST BECOME YOUR PRIMARY GOALSo much today is about ministry: What is my ministry? How do you get into it? etc. So many do not realize that the success of their ministry depends on how well they know the Lord, and how much of His nature has been perfected within them. The cry of the Apostle Paul was “that I might know Him”.
This is a cut down version of the word with the major points, the full detail can be found at –
THE WAR OF WORDSIn another encounter I was made aware of a coming War of Words. This war was in the form of a Civil War that arose between Christians. This war was relatively short lived and very intense, its primary weapon was slander. The accuser of the brethren was coming forth in an intense onslaught.
The issues were over the realm of the Spirit, and the ability of Christians to walk in this realm. Those who had encounters with the Lord, visits to heaven and visions, etc., were considered deceived and practicing occult practices. This war of words and slander reached new levels as one group began to accuse the other of many things which were completely untrue. Some Pentecostal denominations wrote many articles denouncing individual Pastors and Christian leaders. God allowed this division to take its course and eventually run out of steam as it were.
The use of Twitter and Facebook became prime weapons in this war. I heard the Lord say “I will disrupt their communications”. I saw power outages across wide areas of the world. I also saw that satellites were greatly affected, some burning up as they fell out of orbit. The internet and cell phones will be down for considerable periods of time as God intervenes in this war of words. Those with their brother’s blood on their hands will be judged unless they repent.
It is important to remember that we do not fight evil with evil. We must not take sides and respond in a wrong spirit. Those who try to defend themselves God will not defend. God is not taking sides; He is taking over. We are told to love those who slander us; to sincerely bless them and pray for them and let God take over this war. We do not respond to evil and untrue words with the same spirit; we respond with words that bless. "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"(Matthew 5:44-45)
The Lord also spoke to me about the rise of false Josephs. Much has been preached and written about the Joseph ministries. The problem is much of the teaching on this subject is self centred. True Josephs have a heart to see Jesus receive His inheritance, not our inheritance. Our inheritance is the Lord, not things. Only those completely surrendered to His will can function as a Joseph. It is the Bond-Servant relationship that is central to this ministry. It is not about what God wants to give us; it is about us giving to Him our lives in absolute surrender.
The line between building His Kingdom and our kingdom so often becomes blurred. Everything Joseph did was for Pharaoh the king, and likewise the same applies to us and the Kingdom of God. The Godly and famous preacher Andrew Murray was once asked, “What is the greatest need for Christians today?” He replied, “Absolute Surrender”. We cannot have all that God has for us until He has all of us. Joseph ministry is not about making you wealthy, it’s about making sure that Jesus receives His inheritance in this earth.
So much today is about ministry: What is my ministry? How do you get into it? etc. So many do not realize that the success of their ministry depends on how well they know the Lord, and how much of His nature has been perfected within them. The cry of the Apostle Paul was “that I might know Him”.
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