Dear Faithful Followers of CHRIST:
The world is becoming increasingly darker: the politics; the things people call “entertainment”; the way people are indifferent and cold-hearted toward others; the rejection of GOD and moral leadership in all nations; the worldwide economic downward spiral; the embracing of humanistic/atheistic/ paganistic/satanistic cultural views; the world’s overall obvious leaning toward antichrist thinking and the rejection of the Will of GOD—to name a few…
Almost daily I receive letters from people who are troubled by a dark future outlook as well as a myriad of challenges people are facing in their personal lives. Most specifically—the bride of CHRIST and those truly seeking GOD are getting beat up by the enemy. LISTEN to me: you are not alone in your struggles. Don’t think it strange that you life seems in a turmoil…LOT’S OF GOD’S PEOPLE ARE GETTING RAKED OVER THE COALS. The enemy is in his LAST hour and he wants to torment GOD’s people and those who are turning away from darkness back to light.
I am writing about this because I don’t want people to think they are running solo in this incredible war the enemy is waging on those who are truly seeking GOD in these closing moments before the LORD returns and darkness completely envelopes the earth. HANG IN THERE—Cover yourself in the BLOOD of CHRIST—the BLOOD IS INVINCIBLE.
Not quite a year ago, the LORD led me to do a 40-day water fast in a secluded location. I thought it was only about dealing with personal issues at first (yes, the LORD did deal with my personal stuff)—however, I did not know that HE was planning to dictate to me a series of letters that would later become a powerful book that would warn many people about HIS soon coming and end times preparation. (The book is called the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB and you can get it free, downloaded here: books/view/162979 )
As I began to go through this fasting, I knew that the letters I received daily were very important to the LORD and I knew that I just had to hang in for the full 40 days. Into week four, with still another week to go was such a huge struggle. I looked in the mirror wondering if there would be anything left of me at the end and how this would upset my family and my son in particular. But I knew that GOD was with me and that I was probably in the safest place I could be—right where the LORD had called me to be. My family and friends really were concerned, but I just knew GOD would get me through it. The reason I am bringing this up is at my lowest point when I thought I could not make it through this thing—I thought to myself: “There must be a million people in hell who would trade places with me in this 40-day fast.” That thought spurred me on. And now I am telling you—that no matter how rough your current situation is (not to make light of it) there are millions in hell who would trade places with you now. So, have courage—the LORD is with you if you are with HIM. Don’t give up—don’t stop praying for those around you. NEVER GIVE UP. (The LORD gave me this scripture for you now: Psalm 23:4 (KJV): Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.)
Below the LORD’s Letters are NEW visions from readers and an important message about the Mark of the Beast. At the very bottom of this letter is a list of the past letters from the LORD covering many important topics relevant to the times we are living in. Also below is an invitation to download and read the FREE Marriage Supper of the LAMB Ebook with Words from the LORD for this end time generation. THIS BOOK IS CHANGING LIVES! THE MP3 AUDIO VERSION of the Marriage Supper of the LAMB are now available in this letter plus links to Spanish Version of the book. Plus sign up to receive the hottest ever end times headlines coming across our desks in the End Times News Report we put out each week. Plus the latest words/visions from young brothers Jonathan and Sebastian and Buddy Baker. Also, to read past letters from the LORD you can visit this link: blog/?category_name=2012-the- lords-messages Special Note: New links for Deborah Melissa Moller's book, "The Final Call" in Spanish—see below with the Final Call information.
Words of the LORD:
“It is an abomination to believe the plans of men over your GOD.”
(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, January 12, 2013)
I am ready to bring you Words:
Children, MY coming is nigh. I am warning but few are listening. They would rather listen to men speak about the future—this is evil apart from GOD—apart from MY Words, Truth. I have laid out MY Plans and the signs to watch for: instead you choose to watch what men believe the future holds. This is evil. It is an abomination to believe the plans of men over your GOD.
MY Word says to watch when you see all the signs I have given come to pass, yet you choose to believe lowly men who never pursue their GOD: WHO Knows what the future of men hold. Do they consult ME? Seek MY Face? Practice MY Ways? Read MY Word? Or do they listen to each other’s evil schemes, even seeking the words of the dead and demonic. This is a tyranny to MY Kingdom. Evil is running high and wide across the land.
Few know MY Word and practice MY Ways. Few want Truth and prescribe to the Word of GOD. All that men need is laid out in MY Word. It is complete in its instruction for lost and floundering men. Anyone who wants to find ME can find ME in MY Word, but each must have a desire to press in and lay down the distractions of the world in exchange for the knowledge available in MY Teachings: through MY Word and the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO leads you in understanding MY Word. There is no other way. It is not through the understanding of men who they, themselves are apart from GOD. This is not how you will understand MY Word. All knowledge of MY Word can be pursued by those who have hungry hearts and surrender their lives, making ME FULL LORD and MASTER.
I am the ONE WHO Leads and Directs the way along the narrow path. Don’t be deceived. All other teachings of men apart from MY SPIRIT will lead you astray down dark broad paths of destruction, eternal hell. Come into MY Light. Seek the Eternal Lamp and Oil of MY HOLY SPIRIT so that you will not lack saving knowledge.
MY coming is soon. MY coming is sure. Don’t be found when I come without a full oil lamp. These are dark days. You need your lamp oil full. Many will scramble to know ME after I take out MY church. It will be a dark time for the church left behind. Choose now to avoid what is coming. If you disregard MY Warnings you will face the consequences of your decision. I must tell the Truth.
This is the LORD WHO Knows the Future…
Coordinating Scripture:
James 4:13-14 (KJV): 13 Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
Isaiah 31:1 (KJV): Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the HOLY ONE of Israel, neither seek the LORD!
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (KJV): 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy GOD doth drive them out from before thee.
1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV): 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the HOLY GHOST teacheth; comparing SPIRITUAL things with SPIRITUAL. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT of GOD: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.
Hosea 4:6 (KJV): MY people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to ME: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children.
Matthew 25:4 (KJV): But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Words of the LORD:
“Only those who are FULLY committed to ME will feel safe now.”
(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, January 14, 2013)
I will give you words for the people:
These are trying times for my people. The evil is enclosing them. There is evil at every turn. Even the safe places are getting dark.
Evil is even invading the places that should be safe. MY people, MY church, those I call MY bride: I want you to know I am with you. I know you feel like you are alone and there are very few that understand you. Do not fear. I am always with you no matter where you go. This is not the hour to be filled with fear.
You are MY people, MY true bride. I will not let the enemy come between us, if you give ME your ALL. Surrender your ALL and live in peace. This is where you can find peace, even in the storm.
The storm clouds are rolling in. Evil is now at every corner. Only those who are FULLY committed to ME will feel safe now: only those who keep their eye and focus on ME. Everyone else will live with the uneasiness of a world that is growing very dark with a future that looks very dark.
There is trouble brewing, make no mistake. Darkness is closing in. But these dark clouds do not have to be over you. I can release you from this overwhelming fear of the future, if you surrender your ALL to ME and trust ME with ALL your ways.
I am the Great EMANCIPATOR. I can free you from the plans of the enemy who wants to lead you and everyone around you into darkness, destruction, and death. I am a GOD ready to liberate, ready to protect, ready to bring you into safety, but you must desire this from ME. I cannot force you into this shelter, although MY Arms are safe and I am the SAFE ROUTE, the NARROW PATH. You must decide to follow ME.
Don't be dismayed. I do offer the light at the end of the tunnel. Follow ME to safety, a peace everlasting, a haven of rest, and safe keeping even in the darkest hour. I am a STRONG TOWER in dark times. Turn to ME before it is too late. Let me rescue you, be among MY church, MY bride. These Words are for your comfort in these difficult days.
This is your LORD, SAVIOR, and RESCUER
Coordinating Scripture:
Proverbs 18:10 (KJV): The Name of the LORD is a STRONG TOWER: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
1 John 4:18 (KJV): There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Luke 21:26 (KJV): Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
This morning I was awakened to these words I heard the LORD speak:
"Does she really love me? The church is the great whore."
I asked, "What do you want the church to do, LORD?"
The LORD replied, "I want them to take long walks with ME and talk to ME and read MY Book I wrote for her. It is the greatest love story ever told."
Words from Donna McDonald, 1/17/13 8:04 am.
The LORD’s Messages on Youtube: Thanks to Reader Daniel MO, UK:
The LORD’s Words: “I am Calling You Out to be Separate.”
The LORD’s Words: “Don’t Leave Anything to Chance.”
The LORD’s Words: The End to Which I Lead MY Church to Begin: Everlasting Beauty: v=dXrlW48gfhY&
The LORD’s Words: “The Light will be snuffed out soon after I remove MY precious oil-filled lamps”
The LORD’s Words: “Evil is gathering its forces together against mankind to destroy the children of men”
Dreams & Visions Update:
“MY Salvation never weakens—no one can replace it, or take from it, or add to it.”: v=Vg5F1be7a7c&
Your Half-Hearted Pursuit of ME Will Never Gain You a Place at MY Marriage Table
The LORD’s Message: I can only offer the keys to MY Kingdom—I cannot force them into your hands: v=nqE7VRgbdnI&
The LORD’s Message: Seek MY Truth; pray for eyes to see the Truth; and what is soon approaching the world: v=mrgK-e923MA
LORD's Message: Do not follow after MY messengers—follow after ME, MY Word, MY Truth: v=qhLiOgFSLlc
The LORD’s Message: “I am not going to bring back to life this world full of hatred for ME.”: v=gT3qp7Vdywo
The LORD's Blood: Serious Letter—Only the Blood will save: v=mGhmkWoDTpo
The time is Near 21/09/2012 from our subscriber: Kofi Okyire Appianing and other visions: v=npPCGeUN6iA
SIGN UP TODAY: for the End Times News Report with all the latest and hottest headlines for these topics: Natural Disasters, New World Order, Mark of the Beast, Earthquakes Increasing, Israel, Rumors of Wars, Plus More. Each one is more amazing then the one before it. This is a great tool for your unbelieving friends and family as it is hard to deny these things were predicted two thousand years ago and here they are happening today as it was all foretold…request the latest copy by writing
MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB PROJECT: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb book contains Words dictated by our LORD to Susan Davis during a 40-day water fast she was called to do in a secluded location. During this time the LORD dictated several letters about many topics including: humility, forgiveness, trusting in GOD, being prepared for the LORD’s Return, and much more. This book is changing and impacting lives in amazing ways. This book is FOR EVERYONE and it is available as a FREE Ebook that can be easily downloaded and read.
Marriage Supper of the LAMB Website:
Testimonials page:
Free Ebook Download:
Marriage Supper of the Lamb Facebook:
ANNOUNCING: "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" book has been converted to audio as MP3 files by Mike Peralta.
Here are the links for
"Marriage Supper of the Lamb" Words from the Heart of GOD: g7o6ukb6g7787tz/marriage-11- 15.mp3 79bpjj9py4ldnav/marriage-16- 20.mp3 e4t5r6cd8f0adjf/marriage-21- 25.mp3 uaawyjy8l26qfsm/marriage-26- 30.mp3 4ct2xh3updbt78c/marriage-31- 35.mp3 deuv9p7rhpyv686/marriage-36- 39.mp3
ANNOUNCING: SPANISH Marriage Supper of the Lamb—thanks to Ruben Santana and Mike Peralta: Marriage Supper of the Lamb ( Cena De La Boda Del Cordero ): Paperback: Boda-Del-Cordero-Spanish/dp/ 1479309346 Kindle: Boda-Cordero-Spanish-ebook/dp/ B009AFQ42ESmashwords(Free): books/view/235798
Now translated into Romanian and Indonesian.
"Marriage Supper of the Lamb" is now in Romanian—THANKS TO CRIS NEMO
As a paperback at amazon.com Nunta-Mielului-Romanian- Edition/dp/1478392185
As a paperback at amazon.com
“Marriage Supper of the LAMB” is now in Indonesian—THANKS TO MIRA AGUSTINA—email kidsmktg@sbcglobal.netfor a free copy.
UPDATED WEEKLY: Jonathan & Sebastian’s Messages from GOD: Two young brothers, Sebastian is 13 and Jonathan is 10—both are now receiving dreams and visions on a regular basis. Write Susan if you want an update of their ongoing visions. To read these visions and words in their totality at our website, visit: blog/?category_name=jonathan- sebastian YouTube version: v=e1iiwAkls1I&feature= uploademail
1/01/13:12:06 P.M.
For the saints to be encouraged:
While praying in tongues with my Mom, I saw multitudes of angels above and around our house. End.
12/29/12 – 8:20 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, I saw JESUS hovering our house. End.
Sebastian’s-Another Vision
I saw a huge eagle the size of two cabins hovering over our city. GOD’s meaning: if an eagle can see miles to its prey, how much more GOD? End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
1/03/13:1:56 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom and brother, GOD said, “Prepare for MY coming, it is sooner than you think.” End.
Jonathan’s–Word from GOD
1/03/13: 1:56 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom and brother, JESUS said, “That we must put HIM above all else.” End.
Sebastian’s-Word from GOD
Given on 12/19/12- to be posted as right now Word -1/03/13
Zephania 3:1 & 6
Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made their streets waste, that none passeth by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
1/08/13: 9:40 A.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, JESUS said, “Beware of false prophets and false teachers.” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
1/08/13:11:20 A.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom and brother, GOD said, “Tell My Church I am coming.”
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
1/08/13: 11:20 A.M.
While praying with my Mom and brother, GOD said, Tell My Church to LOVE.” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
1/09/13:10:45 P.M.
While praying with my Mom and brother, GOD said, “Be pure for this could be your last night before the rapture.” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
1/12/13: 6:09 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom and brother, GOD said, “I am coming.” End.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
1/12/13: 6:15 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom and brother, JESUS said, “PREPARE, because I am tired of the wickedness I see on the earth.” End.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
1/14/13: Between 7-8 A.M.
While praying, JESUS said, “Be ready for ME” End.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
1/14/13: 8:42 P.M
While praying in tongues with my Mom, Dad & brother, JESUS said, “I am tired of the wickedness I see in the church, and will soon put a stop to it.” End.
UPDATED WEEKLY: Visions of Buddy Baker: Our friend Buddy Baker has had almost daily visions recently (he started June 2010 only receiving them once every couple weeks and now they come almost daily) and if you want to receive the entire updated list of his past visions by email request for them at for current updates from time to time—since the visions are coming on a regular basis, drop us an email. Read more Buddy Baker dreams and visions online: blog/?page_id=1128
Habakkuk 2:1 (KJV): I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what HE will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
Here are Buddy Baker’s most recent visions (write us for past visions):
January 2, 2012: Wednesday 8:30 pm, while I was singing and praising the Lord, I saw the Lord sitting on a white throne and bright white light flowing from the Lord. There was a long white walkway leading up to the Lord and I saw many people and angels on both sides of the walkway in white and golden robes looking towards the Lord and I heard trumpets blowing everywhere and everyone looks so happy, end.
January 2, 2012: Wednesday 12:20 am, while I was in prayer, I saw a beautiful Heavenly massive golden mansion that was very tall and wide and brilliant light emanating from the mansion, end.
January 9, 2013: Wednesday 5:58 am, while I was taking communion, I saw a white dove flying above my head, end.
January 9, 2013: Sunday after 9: 00 am, in church while we were in prayer, white clouds appeared before me and I saw people in white robes going through the clouds straight up, end.
January 13, 2013: Sunday 8:17 am, while I was at home preparing for church, I saw the back of Jesus wearing a golden crown and a golden robe with a white collar over His shoulder walking on a golden road. There were people in different color robes and angels in white robes on each side of the road watching the Lord and the people were excited and jumping as the Lord was walking by, end.
January 14, 2013: Monday after 7:00 pm, while I was talking to the Lord and praising Him, I saw Jesus with a beautiful, shiny silver crown with sparkling colorful gem stones on His head walking towards a beautiful white double gate and He stopped and turns His head looking at me and smiles, end.
Below are the audios from the recent End Times Prophecy Conference’s presenters. Dr. Neil Lipkin wanted us to add the following important statement in addition to his audio presentation below:
From the time Jesus was born (around 0 AD) until all first century prophecies were fulfilled (destruction of Jerusalem, destruction of the second temple, and dispersion of the Jewish people to all the nations) was around 70 years. For in 70 AD the Romans fulfilled these three prophecies. The parable of the fig tree in the Bible is about these prophecies in the first century, and also about our time period with the return of Israel as a free, independent nation in 1948. Now the question is will it again be around 70 years, that is from the establishment of Israel to the Second Coming of her Messiah, Who is Christ. 2012 is a very unique year on the timeline because of the following. 2012 + 7 (IF the Rapture occurs in 2012 and the Tribulation Period begins) = 2019 for the Second Coming. The scripture tells us in Matthew 24:21 & 22 and Revelation 8:12 that the Great Tribulation (last 3-1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation) will have its days literally shortened by one third. One third of 3-1/2 years is one year and two months. By our current time standard that would put the Second Coming in 2018 instead of 2019, 1948 + 70 = 2018! So, this year (2012) and only this year should the Rapture occur and the 7 year Tribulation begin, would yield a total of 70 years from Israel's establishment as a nation (1948) till the Second Coming of her Messiah! Obviously should the Lord tarry, His return in the Rapture till 2013, then the total number of years would be 71. 2014 would yield a total of 72 etc. IF (I said IF) the Lord wants 70 years in these End Times like the 70 years in the first century, then the Rapture WOULD BE THIS YEAR. But only the Lord Himself knows what the timeframe will ultimately be.
Session 1 - Dr. Richard Bootz – 4 Areas of Deliverance
Session 2 - Pastor Josh Stahl – Culture Wars
Session 3 - Susan Davis and Donna McDonald – GOD Still Speaks (Testimonies)
Session 4 – Dr. Neil Lipken – The Parable of the Fig Tree
Have you been baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT?
Did you know the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT is different than the water baptism?
Matthew 3:11: (John the Baptist) I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but HE that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: HE shall baptize you with the HOLY GHOST, and with fire:
Acts 10:44-48: 44While Peter yet spake these words, the HOLY GHOST fell on all them (Cornelius and family) which heard the word.45And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift (baptism) of the HOLY GHOST. 46For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify GOD. Then answered Peter, 47Can any man forbid water (water baptism—a separate baptism), that these should not be baptized, which have received the HOLY GHOST as well as we? 48And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the LORD (in water as well as the HOLY SPIRIT Baptism they received from the HOLY SPIRIT). Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
Have you been baptized in the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT (a baptism separate from water baptism)? If not, Here is how:
1. Surrender your “ALL” to CHRIST: your heart, life, and your future plans—your “ALL.”
John 12:24-26: 24Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. 26If any man serve ME, let him follow ME; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve ME, him will MY FATHER honour.
2. Ask to be filled by the HOLY SPIRIT—ask for the HOLY SPIRIT to have “ALL” of you—without knowing what this means—trusting only in GOD. You are trading your will for the Will of GOD for your life.
Acts 8:15-21: 15Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the HOLY GHOST: 16(For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) 17Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the HOLY GHOST. 18And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the HOLY GHOST was given, he offered them money, 19Saying, Give me also this Power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the HOLY GHOST. 20But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of GOD may be purchased with money.21Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of GOD.
Acts 19:1-7: And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples (they were practicing Christians), 2He said unto them, Have ye received the HOLY GHOST since ye believed (yet as believers they had not yet been baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT)? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any HOLY GHOST (as Christian believers they had not yet heard of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT like so many believers today). 3And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. (They were ONLY water baptized.) 4Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on HIM which should come after him, that is, on CHRIST JESUS. 5When they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of the LORD JESUS. 6And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the HOLY GHOST came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. (They were baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT, a baptism separate from the water baptism.)
3. Did you know that if you are not in GOD’s Will—fully surrendered to CHRIST, and baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT you are outside GOD’s Will, a lukewarm Christian, and you are in fact, in the will of GOD’s enemy—working against GOD?
Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD.
Acts 9:17-18: And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house (note they were indoors); and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the LORD, even JESUS, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the HOLY GHOST. 18And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized (NOTE: Paul was baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT but not water baptized because they were in a house and Ananias just laid his hands on Paul).
4. When you surrender your “ALL” to GOD and pray to be filled by the HOLY SPIRIT—baptized in the LORD’s Fire—you will experience changes:
-greater understanding of the Bible
1 Corinthians 2:14: 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT of GOD: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.
-a bolder testimony
Acts 4:29-31: 29And now, LORD, behold their threatenings: and grant unto THY servants, that with all boldness they may speak THY Word, 30By stretching forth THINE Hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the Name of THY Holy CHILD JESUS.31And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the HOLY GHOST, and they spake the Word of GOD with boldness.
-manifestations of the HOLY SPIRIT which can include: speaking in tongues; receiving the gift of interpreting tongues; visions; dreams; the gift of prophecy (hearing GOD’s Voice)
Acts 19:6: And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the HOLY GHOST came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
-the ability to conquer sin through the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT (and not by the flesh apart from the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT)
Galatians 5:16: This I say then, Walk in the SPIRIT, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
-the renewing of the mind—the scales will fall off and your spiritual eyes will open
-you will be in GOD’s Will and right standing with GOD
-you will possess a full oil lamp and no longer have a half full oil lamp or be dangerously lukewarm
Matthew 25:4: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
-your desires will be GOD’s desires because you are in His Will.
So what are you waiting for? Pray to give “ALL” of yourself to the LORD and be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT today! Want more details? Email
SPEAKING IN TONGUES INFO: For anyone who would like the free report on tongues called The Walk of the Spirit; The Walk of Power by Dave Roberson, write Also to see the article on the Neuroscientific Look at Speaking in Tongues: 11/07/health/07brain.html?_r=1 and Language Center of the Brain Is Not Under the Control of Subjects Who “Speak in Tongues”: news/News_Releases/oct06/ glossolalia.htm
Preparation Instructions to be the bride of CHRIST:
(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, May 4, 2012)
Only I give the Power you need to keep you in MY Will. The flesh cannot succeed at staying in the Will of GOD. Only by MY Power is any man successful in walking in MY Will—flesh cannot accomplish this task. It is the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
A partial surrender does not allot the fullness of MY SPIRIT to bring the individual under the controlling Power of MY SPIRIT thus they cannot successfully ward off evil, sin, and be in MY Will. They are considered “lukewarm” and lost. Partial surrender is not “surrender.” Make no mistake; a partial surrender leads to death the same as an outright denial of ME as GOD.
Repentance is “key” to the person’s surrender. If they are still believing they have no sin or they don’t need forgiveness how can they be freed by the evil that still controls them?
Remorse over sin is the beginning of healing—healing heart, soul, spirit—all is interrelated. A repentant heart, a humble heart, can receive the salvation of their soul and will enter MY Kingdom upon receiving the HOLY SPIRIT by baptism.
This is part of releasing the person into freedom to be freed of demonic spirits: true remorse over past sin, acknowledgement of sin before a HOLY GOD and then the filling of MY SPIRIT and total submission to MY Ways and to ME as the individual’s LORD and MASTER.
All other expressions are weak and ineffectual. The person must be submitted to ME completely to be relieved of the power of MY enemy and I must be their undisputed MASTER so that the individual can be walking in MY Will conquering sin and filled with the Power of MY SPIRIT. Not before will the individual be able to deal successfully with vanquishing sin in their lives. This is the “narrow path.” All other paths lead to destruction.
Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV): I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live:
Your Lamp Oil Filled? The LORD will take only those 'sold out' to HIM and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT in the coming rapture of the church (remember, only the five virgins with full oil lamps are ready when the Bridegroom comes). If you don't think you are 'sold out' to HIM because you are caught up in things of this world then there is still time if you engage yourself right now in a relentless pursuit of knowing and following HIM. You must first be filled, 'baptized' with the HOLY SPIRIT.
You can be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT right now: you can pray this suggested prayer: "In the LORD’s Name, I pray to be baptized in the Names of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. I pray to be filled up completely from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. I pray for my Spiritual eyes to be opened and for the scales to fall off and I pray for a bolder testimony for the LORD JESUS and for MY OIL LAMP TO BE FILLED TO THE TOP. I surrender my ALL to the LORD and repent for all my sins from a sincere heart of remorse for these things done before a HOLY GOD." (You can also be prayed over by someone who has been baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT.)
You don't have to go anywhere or do anything as it has to do with the attitude of your heart. Just pray and you will receive through a sincere heart. Surrender your life over completely and repent from all your sins to the LORD. If you desire to be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT, stop right now, where you are and pray. You can pray the suggested prayer above. You have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN! When you pray to receive then 'press in' and read your bible or do it more and pray more. Fasting also is recommended because it is by fasting from food, a meal, or something enjoyed such as your iPod, TV/movies, worldly pursuits, whatever we do that we 'die to our flesh.' Fasting does not replace salvation by JESUS' Blood at all. It just means we are dying to our flesh which is pleasing to the LORD for greater personal intimacy, seeking answers through prayers, whereas salvation is a free gift from GOD and not earned by any human act of sacrifice. These are verses that support a second baptism (the other being water baptism—the water baptism can come before or after the HOLY SPIRIT baptism) given from the HOLY SPIRIT:
Matthew 3:11: "As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but HE WHO is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove HIS sandals; HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire."
Mark 1:8: "I baptized you with water; but HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT."
Luke 3:16: "John answered and said to them all, 'As for me, I baptize you with water; but ONE is coming WHO is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of HIS sandals; HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire."
John 1:33: "And I did not recognize HIM, but HE WHO sent me to baptize in water said to me, "HE upon WHOM you see the SPIRIT descending and remaining upon HIM, this is the ONE WHO baptizes in the HOLY SPIRIT."
Acts 1:5: "For John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT not many days from now."
Acts 11:15-16: " 15And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. And I remembered the Word of the LORD, how HE used to say, 'John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT.’"
(Letter provided by Donna McDonald)
THE LORD BECAME A WORM FOR MANKIND: Below is a powerful Devotional focusing on CHRIST lowering HIMSELF to the status of a worm from HIS position as GOD of the Universe—something we cannot even really comprehend. The Worm Devotional provided by Esher Shoshannah gives us a glimpse of the magnitude of the sacrifice of CHRIST for us all. Below it is a YouTube of a vision from my son Ethan who was 14 at the time and through this vision witnesses the LORD’s face at the time HE was crucified and the abuse HE endured in our place.
A Word given by the LORD regarding HIS incredible sacrifice on the cross for humanity (received by Susan, April 10, 2012):
“Mankind cannot reach the height of the depth of MY Sacrifice”…YAHUSHUA
Psalm 22:6 (KJV): But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.
The Worm Devotional: http://www. download/devotional/ theWormDevotional.pdf
Vision of CHRIST’s Crucified Face: This past year, 2011, was an eye-opener for my family as my young 14-year-old son had a shocking vision in which JESUS revealed to Ethan the true brutality of his face at the time of his crucifixion. I was shocked at the description my son gave of the horrendous beating JESUS took: hair ripped off HIS scalp, beard ripped of HIS Face; HIS ears and nose ripped off and lips partially ripped off. So many images men have created show JESUS’ Face as barely scratched. My son’s vision was unique in that he could recall this vision at will and JESUS requested that Ethan draw what he saw and this is what Ethan did to his best ability. Now you can view the image he drew and this story at this YouTube: KJkmWq6KFm0
Isaiah 52:14 (KJV): as many were astonished at THEE; HIS visage was so marred more than any man and HIS form more than the sons of men.
CONFESSION TO SALVATION: It is by no accident that the LORD led me to the Take His Heart website and in it how the LORD revealed to Roy Sauzek the importance of confession of your faith to others for salvation. Please take time to visit this website (see the links below).
Matthew 10:32 (KJV): Whosoever therefore shall confess ME before men, him will I confess also before MY FATHER which is in heaven.
Romans 10:9 (KJV): That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD hath raised HIM from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Romans 10:10 (KJV): For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For Pastors: A Series of Messages for the Shepherds of the LORD’s Flocks:
Part I: blog/?page_id=1889
Part II: blog/?page_id=1892
Part II:
Ministry People/Christians: Stop Deceiving People About the End Times! blog/?p=3123
GOD’s Position on Wizards and Vampires: blog/?p=96
Ex-Witch Writes About Harry Potter:
Here is more information about keeping the Sabbath Holy as one of the Ten Commandments among all the others that GOD expects to be followed: blog/?p=1274
PROOF! The Rapture is Near and NOT 10, 20, 30 Years Away!:
A very good website for the preparation of the bride:
Books by Deborah Melissa Möller
The Final Call
The Lord said to me: “The book will be about the preparation for the King’s return and to warn those who do not know. This will be a gift to My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the Truth, who called out ‘Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord.’ The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny.”
Smashwords (Free): books/view/118164
Links for Deborah Melissa Moller's book, "The Final Call" in Spanish, are at:
La Llamada Final
Paperback: Llamada-Final-Spanish-Edition/ dp/1481996983
Kindle: Final-Spanish-Edition-ebook/ dp/B00B1S2ROM
Smashwords(Free): books/view/275959
La Llamada Final
The Exodus
As the days of My servant, Moses, and My people, Israel, I will again do the great exodus. All this will happen in the Spirit. Many with eyes open will see this move and will partake of it. This will be the last exodus, for everything that happened in the beginning will again happen in the end. The plagues have already begun. As in the days of old, I will again rise up My prophets and they will speak with authority given by the Father. My John the Baptists will cry out of the wilderness: “… Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight His paths.”
My Son David
“The book will be a warning for those the Lord called, but they did not answer the Lord’s call in obedience. For My Davids will receive double the portion, because I have removed the anointing, authority and kingship from the Sauls. For the Sauls listen to and obey people. My Davids listen to and obey Me. Take heed to this warning; be serious with Me, when I call for you – your answer will determine what you reap in eternity.” CHOOSE! DO YOU WANT TO BE CALLED MY SON DAVID?
Smashwords (Free): books/view/118181
True Maturity
“True maturity is to be in a childlike walk with Me, with a pure heart. Just in simple obedience as a child to a father, with father-child love. True maturity is not religious knowledge. Unless you come to Me like a child, without your religious knowledge, I can not work with you. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped into pride, stubbornness, self-love and self-righteousness. Come to Me and test your heart with Me. Come and ask for a clean, new and pure heart, even if you have been walking with Me for a while. Repent, for My judgment is coming in My house and it is coming now!”
List of Cursed Objects: Recent Word from our LORD: “MY enemy has crept into your inner most sanctuaries, your homes, your children’s rooms; anything that exists that can be defiled has been touched by the foul stench of evil moving throughout the land.”
It is true that so many people—even Christians today bring into their homes objects with connections to the occult, paganism, and antichrist spirits and they are not even aware they are doing it. Christians sport T-shirts and purchase items for their homes that have their origin in paganism and even the occult. Although we are under GOD’s merciful grace we are also not to be running to handle things that are an absolute abomination to GOD and to feel good about it the way this generation now has. The enemy has slipped under our radar detection because we have been uneducated about the evil anti-GOD origins that are now openly accepted by our present culture. In the same way retailers take an old product like Cream of Wheats and repackage it to sell it to a young generation–satan has repackaged old evil and has sold it to this new unsuspecting generation as acceptable. So to help you navigate through the minefield of the things that are accepted by the culture but are a certain abomination to GOD, here is a web link with a list of these items along with some of their origins and scripture outlining GOD’s stated hatred for these things: blog/?page_id=1854
I have received an absolutely wonderful Praise List from our dear friend Esher Shoshannah for worship—if you would like a copy for enhancing your worship time—ask us for the “Praise List” and email Susan at
We are pleased to include a link to a FREE 25-page book titled THE MOST IMPORTANT CHOICE YOU CAN EVER MAKE by Nicolaas Vlok. This book is very helpful for new Christians, renewed Christians, or anyone wanting more information on their new-found faith in the LORD. Thank you to Nicolaas for sharing his book with the readers these letters: http://www.end-times-prophecy. com/blog/MostImportantChoice. pdf
Let us know if you would like to receive any of the following:
Past Letters from the LORD
Praise and Worship List
Research Report on Heaven
Armor of GOD Prayer
End Time Messages for Pastors
The Only Straight Path to be Rescued: The LORD’s Blood
Do not follow after MY messengers—follow after ME, MY Word, MY Truth
I am a GOD WHO is Jealous-Hearted Over You MY Children
“I Cannot Have People in MY Kingdom Who Choose and Desire Evil Governing”
“You Are Fighting a Brick Wall If You Carry On in the Belief I Do Not Exist”
“I, GOD Am Ready to Light a Match to Start a Fire to Set this World Ablaze”
“Children, I Want to be Vocal and Expressive: Your Days Are Numbers!”
“Blind Faith Causes MY Enemy to Tremble”
“It Will be a Terrible Time for MY Tribulation Children”
“I created all that you worship more than ME”
“Reject ME and you cannot come to the FATHER”
“Your rote and dead worship does not impress ME”
“So Few Are Listening…So Few Are Paying Attention”
“Repent! Repent! Repent!”
Preparation Instructions to be the bride of CHRIST:
“Children, MY Word Does Not Falter”
“You Are Mesmerized by the World and All Its False Hope”
“Let ME find you awake at MY Coming!”
“When you reject MY SPIRIT and HIS Call on your life, you endanger your soul”
“If You Cling to the World, You Cling to Death”
“The Narrow Way is Not the Way of the World”
“This is MY Desire—To Save You From What is Coming”
“Now is the Hour to Make Things Right Between US”
“MY lukewarm church will be cast away because they chose to seek intimacy with MY enemy while attempting to handle the Holy”
“Do you really believe that apart from MY Guiding Hand that this world will rebound to peace and bounty?”
“There is No Future in This World”
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