Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dec. 21, 2011. One Year To Go Before Total World Destruction?

December 21, 2012.

We all have heard the legend behind the infamous Mayan calender. December 21, 2012, marks the last day of the Mayan calender and everything from total destruction to just non existence has peoples' minds buzzing with the end of the world. Mayan prophecy for 2012 has believers preparing for catastrophe. Believers of this myth, I'm referring to. This phenom has gripped the whole world it seems. In fact, in the Mexican city of Tapachula, they have installed a digital clock, counting the time to "total destruction." The clock is scheduled to start Dec 21, 2011 a year before the infamous date of 2012. It is very clear that we humans seemed to be awe struck by this event. While their is no clear evidence of "Mayan" destruction on this date in 2012, many people are making loads of money from this world-wide rumor. The only thing that will end on Dec. 21, 2012 is the Mayan long-count calender. Rest assurd, that God's Word says the world is without end. Yes, our present age will end soon. But this will usher in the 1000 year reign of Christ. The anti-Christ has not yet appeared, as the anti-Christ. When he does, there will be a 7 year peace treaty that will be signed with Israel. Forty-two months into that deal he will break it. The first 42 months is considered the Tribulation, while the second 42 months will be the Great Tribulation, when such a time of distress will be upon this world and its people. So much so, that the world has never seen such distress or will see again. But fret not. If you know the Lord Jesus, He will be your shield. Your safety is covered by Him. In conclusion, look for more and more articles and news reports on this phenom we call 2012. But only believe what is the true Word. The Word of God.

A watchman.

Note* Notice this man in the photograph. His name is Joe Rogan. Host of the TV shows "Fear Factor" and "UFC". This is his actual license plate.

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