Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Visions from Nicole via FiveDoves.com

The night of January 6th I had a vision that I was a person in the great tribulation.   It was not me, I was in someone else's body and I was outside this person viewing it as well.   I was allowed to see how the financial systems would be impacted when the order for the RFID chip was issued by Obama.   Anyways in the vision I had a job that I was offered at a bank.   And when I went into the bank I had to go into an office to get official clearance that I was allowed to work.   And in the bank there was a large office that was for the government and there was a TSA representative there in a uniform.   I was ushered into the mans office and sat down in a chair by the hiring supervisor before I could start my new job.   I sat there patiently as the man was on the phone with a superior.   Anyways I sat there while the man got my information and ran data on me.   He then cleared me to work and then I started my training.   I had noticed that something happened.   I do not know what had happened to the money, but I realized the TSA person was there and would not allow people access to their money without the RFID chip.   I do not know from the vision if their money was in old US currency and they had a period of time where they could come in with their RFID and present it and then convert it to the new system and if they didn't their money would be converted and confiscated and then put in the USA  bank?   Or I do not know if the money all had been confiscated and then people presented their RFID mark and then they got a certain amount of credits and the TSA agent was there to prevent anyone who would not take the RFID mark from protesting their money was confiscated and all debts were cancelled for the people taking the RFID chip?     I do not really know what had happened and I cannot give the details but in the vision I speculated?   All I know is that in order to get a job you had to be cleared by the TSA agent and have a RFID mark and to be able to do transactions.   It was very intimidating, the TSA agent was heavily armed and very authoritative.   He was involved in problems related to the bank and a government liason in this vision.   I did not see him get out of his office to really interact with employees, but he was in the office and sometimes I saw bank people go in there with reports.   I did not see what it was.   Maybe it was a list of bank holders who had not taken the RFID chip yet.    In my vision I did not have the RFID chip because the Lord would not give me a vision where I had one...but I was led to believe the person who really had taken this bank job had to have the RFID chip in order to get a job in this new system.  

The night of January 3rd my son heard the outloud voice of the Lord.   The Lord told him that the holy heavenly angels all love and worship Jesus.   The Lord also told my son that in the video game of the new Amazing Spiderman video game that it is filled with information about the mark of the beast, DNA changes, the grievous sore from taking the mark, and human/animal hybrids.   He purchased the game and will start looking at it.   He is 10 years old yet he understands everything that people like Scrawny2Brawny, Jonathan Kleck, Clay Eudalay and Sackcloth&Ashes on youtube present in their data.   My son is very advanced and when he sees something he shows me immediately.   

I was shown the night of January 4th in a dream not to watch television.   And the reason why is that we are entering the verge of the great tribulation where the mark will be enforced.  And in the dream I was shown that on live television there would be evil men and women who would think it was funny to "flash" their nakedness in public.   This is what is coming and it will come what I was shown via game-shows and other type of shows.   

I was shown the night of January 2nd from the Lord that the devil is on the warpath in a dream.   I was shown he is trying to send major perverted thoughts to the saints and make them think it was from themselves.  I was shown that the devil was doing this to make the watchmen on the wall get really upset that they will be left behind and put them in a tizzy that they become ineffective and not do their job....aka make videos, make posts, whatever their job is. 

Another Mighty Vision from Nicole

First of all I want to say this is one of the best made videos I have seen out there on tying out Obama to the antichrist and the rise of the Phoenix and the mark of the beast....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2pXPU7T_vA

Next I wanted to share with you a vision the Lord gave me the night of January 5th.  A demon tried to disguise himself as a woman with long strawberry blonde hair.   And he came to me and said that there is no rapture, that I should stop watching for the rapture, and that the sign of Revelation 12 did not produce a rapture so I was being deceived.   And in the vision my spirit cried out, THE BOOK OF REVELATION DOES NOT SAY THAT THE RAPTURE HAPPENS EXACTLY AT THE SIGN OF REVELATION 12 BUT THAT THE DRAGON WOULD TRY TO DEVOUR THE MANCHILD BEFORE HE IS DELIVERED TO THE THRONE....IT WAS THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST THAT THE WORD SAYS THAT IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DISTRESS OF THOSE DAYS THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED!   As soon as my spirit cried out these things the demon entity left and was surrendered powerless!   He was trying to lay a trap for me to believe that we must endure the great tribulation and the mark of the beast and this was NOT TRUE!    The book of Revelation, in the 12th chapter does not give a specific time frame between the great sign of revelation 12 and the rapture.   But these talks of gun confiscation is the devouring that we are talking about.  If Obama gets the guns, he can send you to prison camps.  

This video spells out the antichrist trying to devour the manchild before he is delivered

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